Student Work: Summer & Winter 2015
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
Student Work 2015 |
I just wrapped up my last class for the year yesterday. A lot of the classes that I wanted to teach this fall didn't get enough enrollment, but the ones I had in the summer and winter went very well. I had repeats and newbies and plenty of interesting projects. The end of this year brought a lot of split fountain printing. We finally adjusted one of the proofing presses to allow us to print these with the rollers on. Needless to say, the students took advantage of it.One of my favorite projects came from Brian. He has taken my class before, but he returned with a mission this time: to print his Save the Dates for his wedding. He wanted them to look like vintage Hatch Show posters, and I think he did an incredible job achieving his plan.This quote by Paulo Coelho was by far one of my favorites. The ink didn't print ideally on this paper but we got a few clean ones.Excuse the foul language on this one but it was inspired by a Rihanna song.And I only had one student this winter print her Christmas Cards. Normally, I have a lot more.And finally, one that I felt was so perfect for the way I feel when I teach:Interested in learning how to letterpress? Check out my upcoming class schedule here.